Things you need to know when celebrating the CNY in Foshan
Foshan China 2021-02-09 15:01



Q:   佛山有什么最新防疫政策?


A:   佛山市新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控指挥部办公室1月13日发布《致全体佛山市民朋友的公开信》(点击蓝字查看详情),呼吁市民朋友尽量选择留在佛山过年,坚持非必要不离开佛山;呼吁市民朋友尽量选择线上或视频方式举办活动,严控线下聚集性活动数量和规模。


Q:   What are the latest measures and policies for COVID-19 prevention and control in Foshan?


A:   According to A Letter to All Foshan Citizens and Friends released by Office of Foshan Command Center for COVID-19 Prevention and Control on January 13, all Foshan citizens are advised to stay in Foshan for the Chinese New Year and avoid unnecessary outbound travel. If possible, please put the Chinese New Year celebrations and work meetings online and strictly control the number and size of the off-line activities.




Q:   春节期间境外人员来佛山需要做好哪些防疫措施?


A:   佛山市对境外来佛山人员严格落实14天集中隔离医学观察+7天社区健康监测的闭环管理措施,并在入境后第1、7、14、21天各开展1次核酸检测。7天居家健康管理期间居家不外出,严禁参加聚集性活动。


Q:   What medical measures should inbound travelers from overseas take during the Spring Festival?


A:   Foshan strictly carries out closed-loop management measures for inbound arrivals, namely 14-day quarantine in designated venues + 7-day medical observation in the community.


Inbound arrivals need to take nucleic acid tests on the 1st, 7th, 14th, and 21st day after entering Guangdong. During the 7-day medical observation period, they should stay at home and avoid social gatherings.




Q:   春节期间怎样做好个人防护?


A:   请在日常生活中养成勤洗手、多通风、使用公筷公勺、不食生冷食物等卫生习惯,出门佩戴口罩,社交保持“一米线”距离。请您主动留意观察自己和家人的身体状况,一旦出现发热、咳嗽、乏力等症状,立即就近前往医疗机构发热门诊就医,并向医务人员如实告知个人旅居史、活动史和接触史。


Q:   What measures should I take to protect myself during the holiday?


A:   We suggest you wash your hands frequently, maintain the proper indoor ventilation, use serving chopsticks and spoons and avoid eating raw food. When you go outside, please wear masks and keep a social distance of at least 1 meter. Please keep an eye on the health situation of yourself and family members.


Once you have a fever, cough, fatigue or other symptoms, please immediately seek for medical care in the nearest fever clinic and report to medical workers your travel or residence history and your contacts before and after the onset of symptoms.




Q:   春节期间可以聚餐聚会吗?


A:   可以,但请减少不必要的聚会、聚餐,尽量少去人员密集、通风不良的场所,有流感等症状或有14天内中国国内中高风险地区旅居史的人员不参加聚集性活动。提倡家庭私人聚会聚餐等控制在10人以下,举办会议、聚会等活动应当控制人数,50人以上活动应当制定防控方案。


Q:   Can I dine out or meet with friends during the holiday?


A:   Yes, but you are recommended to avoid the unnecessary gatherings or group dining. If possible, please do not go to places with crowds or bad ventilation. Those who have flu or other symptoms or have visited the medium- or high-risk regions in China should not attend social gatherings.


We recommend a private family gathering and dining of fewer than 10 people. The number of participants for the meetings and gatherings should be limited. It is required that the organizers for the group activities with more than 50 participants should make an epidemic prevention and control plan.




Q:   春节期间进入影院等场所有什么注意事项?


A:   做好疫情防控的前提下,佛山市影剧院等公共场所入场人数原则上不得超过核定人数或座位数的75%。到以上场所活动时,请您理解和主动配合场所的体温检测、健康码查验等防控措施,并做好自我防护。


Q:   What should I need to know while entering public places such as cinemas?


A:   With strict measures for COVID-19 prevention and control, public places in Foshan such as cinemas and theaters are not allowed to admit visitors more than 75% of their maximum visitor capacity. If you need to go to public places, please have your body temperature and health-codes checked and pay attention to the self protection.




Q:   春节期间允许燃放烟花爆竹吗?


A:   佛山大部分地方禁止燃放烟花爆竹。佛山五区禁止燃放烟花爆竹的区域为:禅城、南海和顺德全区,以及高明荷城街道行政区域、三水中心城区内。未经许可,禁止任何单位和个人燃放烟花爆竹。


Q:   Are fireworks and firecrackers allowed during the holiday?


A:   Fireworks and firecrackers will be banned in most regions within Foshan, namely, Chancheng district, Nanhai district, Shunde district, Hecheng subdistrict of Gaoming district and downtown area of Sanshui district.Without permission no individual or organizations are allowed to set off fireworks or firecrackers.




Q:   采购过节冷链食品要注意什么?


A:   请前往正规商超和农贸市场采购过节冷链食品,留意冷冻冰鲜食品的产地来源、生产日期、保质要求和进口食品检疫等信息。选购时应做好个人防护措施,如正确佩戴口罩、选购后及时洗手消毒等。


Q:   What should I need to know when purchasing cold-chain food for the Spring Festival?


A:   Please purchase cold-chain food in licensed supermarkets and wet markets and be aware of the background information of  frozen food, including place of origin, expiry date, storage requirements and quarantine for the imported food. Personal protective measures should be taken when purchasing the cold-chain food, such as wearing a mask properly, and washing and disinfecting your hands immediately after the purchase.




Q:   春节期间商超、快递会关门吗?


A:   春节期间,佛山将引导督促涉及民生的重点农贸市场、零售门店(含大型超市和主要商业综合体)正常营业,保障生活必需品物资正常供应。主要快递企业在春节期间“不打烊”,从网络、运力、人员、客服等方面做好春节期间生活必需品的配送服务。


Q:   Will the supermarkets and delivery companies close during the holiday?


A:   During the holiday, Foshan will encourage key wet markets and retail stores (including large supermarkets and major commercial complexes) to stay open as usual to ensure a stable supply of daily necessities. Major delivery companies will stay open to ensure delivery of daily necessities, keeping the logistics network, transport, personnel and customer service stable and smooth.




Q:   有哪些实用的服务码?


A:   如果您准备出行,回家过年,建议备上国务院客户端的这几个服务码(点击蓝字查看详情),以备不时之需。


Q:   Are there any useful QR codes?


A:   We recommend the use of the following QR codes developed by the State Council during your journey.



疫情风险等级查询Enquiry of regional risk level



*You can enquire about medium-and high-risk areas across the country with one click and subscribe to risk level adjustment notifications.


核酸检测机构查询Enquiry of  the nucleic acid testing agencies


*You can enquire about the nearby nucleic acid testing agencies.


核酸/抗体检测结果查询Enquiry of nucleic acid/antibody test results



*You can enquire about the results of nucleic acid test and IgG anti-body test within 7 days.


患者同乘接触者查询Enquiry of contacts with infected cases


*You can enquire about whether you have taken public transport together with confirmed, suspected or asymptomatic patients within 14 days.


疫情防控行程卡Enquiry of your trip forCOVID-19 control and prevention


*You can enquire about the countries(regions) and Chinese cities you stayed (for more than 4 hours )within 14 days.



Tips: It is recommended to hold down the QR codes to save the codes in your mobile phone. Then you can find the QR codes quickly when you need to use them.



