Recently, Chen Gao, a young professor at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), has published an essay titled the J-equation and the supercritical deformed Hermitian-Yang-Mills equation on Inventiones Mathematicae, a world-renowned journal on mathematics. By solving the two equations on the premise of stability, Professor Chen made groundbreaking progress in complex differential geometry research.
Professor Chen with Wolf Prize winner, Professor Sullivan
At 26, the young professor has already marked his footprints in international academia with his cutting-edge researches. While everyone was blown away by such marvelous life accomplishment, Chen Gao, in fact, had long been ahead of his peers since young.
Chen Gao at the official website of Insititute of Geometry and Physics at USTC
During primary school, he skipped three grades
At 14, he was admitted into the Junior Class of USCT;
At 18, he moved to the U.S. for a PhD degree;
Chen Gao at middle school
His astonishing life trajectory has a lot to do with his upbringings and guidance of his father Chen Qianlin, who is now working in Shunde, Foshan as the general principal of Guangdong Country Garden Experimental School.
At an early young age, Chen Gao’s father has begun to help him develop an innovative mind. “I’ve learnt to do self-learning from my father. He tended to free me and my sister from piles of homework that confines us to standard answers.” Chen Gao said. “Cooperative efforts between home and school are very much important for the growing of children.” Chen Qianlin said.
Author | Jersey
Revisor | Jessica, Eleanor
Photo | Guangzhou Daily and Science Daily