Notification on Further Classification of Areas in Foshan
Foshan COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarter 2021-06-06 23:04
Foshan COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters for COVID-19 Prevention and Control Notification on Further Classification of Areas in Foshan
To further implement the COVID-19 prevention and control measures in Foshan, we hereby notify the following arrangements:
  The whole city will be classified into the following four areas according to the current prevention and control requirements:
  1. Closed-off management areas
  Lockdown measures will take effect in the living and working places of the confirmed COVID-19 carriers and the surrounding areas. People must have home quarantine and shall not go out (see attachment 1 for detailed measures).
  2. Closed and controlled management areas
  Closed and controlled management will take effect according to prevention and control requirements. People can only enter but cannot leave, and gatherings are strictly prohibited (see attachment 2 for detailed measures).
  3. Closed-loop management areas
  Strict health management and closed-loop management between home and office will take effect according to prevention and control requirement. People shall not go out unless necessary and gatherings are not advised (see attachment 3 for detailed measures).
  4. Other areas
  Prevention and control measures shall be strictly implemented. Gathering shall be reduced and non-essential group activities shall be canceled. Large-scale events shall be strictly monitored, festival celebration events shall be strictly managed and simplified, and conference shall be mainly conducted online. In principle, large-scale activities such as galas, banquets, shall be avoided. Indoor venues such as KTVs, cinemas, gyms, indoor swimming pools, bars, spa centers shall suspend operation. All training institutions (including student and child care institutions) shall suspend offline service. Appointment, staggered entry, temperature measurement, scanning (demonstration of) health code, mask wearing are required for all indoor public venues. Scanning (demonstration of) health code is needed when taking public transportation.  
  The aforementioned classification of areas will be assessed and defined by the COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters of each District, and will be dynamically adjusted according to the latest epidemic development. All administrative districts shall strictly implement the measures according to the principle and regulation of this notification and shall take stricter measures if necessary.
  For all areas of the city, measures stated in the first point will take effect immediately if a new positive case is discovered. Inbound people and local residents who have a travel history of medium or high risk areas within 14 days, or those who have close contact with the new positive cases or people with suspected travel histories, shall register on “Foshan Tong(佛山通)” Wechat mini program within 2 hours after arriving in Foshan, as well as reporting to their employers and communities (villages). Communities (villages) should strengthen health monitoring on the above-mentioned people.    
  During the period of closed-off management and closed and controlled management, the Party committees and governments at all levels shall ensure the supply of materials, health care services, humanistic care,etc., and give full play to the “three-person team” working mechanism to ensure a stable and orderly life for residents.
  This notification shall take effect on the date of issuance.
  1. Management Measures for Closed-off Management Areas in Foshan
  2. Management Measures for Closed and Controlled Management Areas in Foshan
  3. Management Measures for Closed-loop Management Areas in Foshan
Foshan COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters for COVID-19 Prevention and Control
June 5, 2021
  Attachment 1
Management Measures for Closed-off Management Areas in Foshan
  To guide the lockdown imposed on the areas related to the Covid-19 Epidemic in Foshan, following measures are put forward to ensure proper treatment and precise prevention and control:
  1. Lockdown Management. Checkpoints are set up in the neighborhoods, communities and roads and only a few entrances and exits are kept, all of which are guarded the whole day. People are allowed to enter but no exit and vehicles are strictly prohibited. Those who need medical services should report to local healthcare departments and wait for coordinated arrangement. When coming in and out, they should have standardized personal protection and strict disinfection.
  2. Strict Administration and Control Measures. All commercial and trade services are suspended in the related areas. Venues for entertainment, catering, shopping, public fitness and cultural events should be all suspended.
  3. Home Quarantine. All people must stay home and not go out during the whole quarantine.
  4. Basic Demand Guaranteed. Provide administration services for home-quarantined people, with active response to their reasonable requirements and coordinated delivery of daily necessities by local street-level or township-level administrations. Ensure water and electricity supply and smooth connection of network and telecommunication, guide residents to shop online and provide designated management for logistics and no-contact delivery. Special demands from the following groups such as high schools or universities entrance examination candidates, the maternal, the disabled and the elderly living lonely should be cared about more.
  5. Epidemic-related Domestic Waste Disposal. For the waste produced by the common quarantined people, it should be disposed daily as the Other Related Domestic Waste. Before disposal, spray or sprinkle the waste with 500mg/L~1000mg/L chlorine-containing disinfectant or 75% alcohol until it is completely wet, and then tighten the mouth of the double-layer plastic bag. The above-mentioned waste and the masks used by the common residents should be disposed the according to the domestic waste category requirements.
  6. Standardized Environment Disinfection. Disinfection should be conducted strictly based on the operation standard, especially for the public areas and facilities including lifts, stairs, toilets, chairs, and fitness equipment and the targeted areas with frequent hand contacts including lift buttons, stairs handrails, doorknobs of buildings and delivery lockers.
  7. Enhanced Health Monitoring and Services. Conduct the Mechanism of Designated People for Each Household, which means 3 people from local village/ community committees and  public security authorities form a service team. The 3-people team will be responsible for the health monitoring of the home-quarantined people, checking their body temperature and inquire their symptoms twice a day. The people with symptoms such as fever or cough should be immediately sent to designated hospitals for further examination.
  8. Nucleic Acid Tests. Tests will be conducted on all residents in the lockdown areas according to the requirements from the Foshan COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters ( normally having tests for 5 times, namely on the 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th and 14th days of the quarantine). Avoid mass gathering and cross infection when taking the test samples.
  9. Better publicity and guidance to Maintain Social Stability. Keep a close eye on the concerns of the people and make timely explanation to calm them down and eliminate they worries and fears. Educate people not to make up, spread or believe rumors, so as to maintain social stability.
  10. Elimination of Lockdown. If no new infections are reported within 14 days together with qualified environment cleaning and infection, street or township administration can apply for lockdown elimination. After assessment from district-level departments authorized by the district-level headquarter and approval by Foshan COVID-19 Prevention and Control headquarters, lockdown can be eliminated.
  Attachment 2
Management Measures for Closed and Controlled Management areas in Foshan
  The management measures, aiming at guiding and regulating the targeted and standardized epidemic prevention and control measures carried out in partially closed areas, are as follows:
  1. Partial Lockdown Management. A few designated entrances and exists of relevant communities, residential complexes and streets will remain open and be stationed by security personnels 24/7. People can only enter but cannot exit. Traffic control policies will be in place. Those who need to seek for medical care should follow the arrangement of local health authorities, take self-protection and pay attention to cleaning and disinfection.
  2. Strict Administration and Control Measures. Restaurants, wholesale markets (agricultural products markets excluded), Karaokes, cinemas, gyms, indoor swimming pools, bars, spa centers and other enclosed places in these closed and controlled management areas will be closed. After-school training centers will suspend off-line service. Only a few supermarkets with sound ventilation will remain open to the public. Its staff should always wear masks properly while on duty and should not leave the partially closed areas.  
  3. Home Quarantine. All the residents living in the closed and controlled management areas should stay at home. In-store shopping for daily necessities, delivery-collecting and other non-gathering activities will be allowed for those who have got nucleic acid tests twice with negative results.
  4. Basic Demand Guaranteed. Logistic networks will be fully mobilized to ensure the supply and flow of daily necessities to the designated supermarkets and agricultural markets. Several attended pick-up locations for food delivery and parcel delivery could be set up for the convenience and health of the residents. More care and support will be given to exam takers, the pregnant, the disabled and the elderly living alone.
  5. Epidemic-related Domestic Waste Disposal. The domestic waste of commonly quarantined people will be classified and treated as “other domestic waste” through exclusive collection equipments. This domestic waste will be handled on a daily basis.
  6. Standardized Environment Disinfection. Intensified disinfection will focus on public places and facilities such as elevators, stairwells, public toilets, public benches and fitness equipments, and high touch surfaces such as elevator buttons, staircase handrails, public doorknobs and self-service parcel lockers, in accordance to relevant protocol.
  7. Enhanced Health Monitoring and Services. We will appoint each household a contact person and give full play to the "three-person team" working mechanism by leveraging local village(residence) committees and police departments so that every resident’s temperature and health status will be checked twice a day. Those with symptoms such as fever or cough should be immediately sent to designated hospitals for medical assessments.  
  8. Nucleic Acid Tests. All the residents in the closed and controlled management areas will be required to take 4 nucleic acid tests respectively on the 1st, 4th, 7th, 14th day of the isolation period. People should avoid crowds and keep social-distance while sampling.
  9. Better Publicity and Guidance to Maintain Social Stability. We will heed the public’s voice and disclose information in a timely manner so as to ease people’s stress over COVID-19. A rumor-free atmosphere will be created to benefit social stability.  
  10. Elimination of closed and controlled management. If no confirmed cases are reported for 14 days in a row and required disinfection procedures are finished in the closed and controlled management areas , administration at sub-district level or town level can apply for the ease of partial-lockdown. The application should be reviewed by the COVID-19  Prevention and Control Headquarters at district level and finally approved by Foshan COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters.
  Attachment 3
Management Measures for Closed-loop Management Areas in Foshan
  To guide the closed-loop management imposed on the areas related to the Covid-19 Epidemic in Foshan, following measures are put forward to ensure proper treatment and precise prevention and control:
  1. Closed-loop Management. Checkpoints will be set up in neighborhoods, communities, and road in closed-loop management areas with staff on duty for 24 hours. When people go through the entrances and exits, they should have their body temperature measured, wear their masks, scan the QR code and show their Yuekang ode. The entry and exit of non-residents of the community (village) shall be strictly controlled.
  2. Necessary Going-out Only. Gatherings and visits are prohibited. Before the results of the first nucleic acid test are issued, please stay at home for a temporary isolation. People with a negative test result are allowed to go out. When going out, please try the best to avoid using public transport and do not drop by other places on route.
  3. Strict Administration and Control Measures. The wholesale markets (except the wet markets) and indoor venues such as KTVs, movie theaters, gyms, indoor swimming pools, bars, and spa centers in the affected areas shall be closed. The off-line services of all training institutions (including student and child care institutions ) shall be suspended. The passenger numbers of public transport in affected areas shall be kept below 50% of the maximum capacity. Supermarkets and wet markets are advised to strengthen the ventilation, control the inflow of people and encourage customers to make non-cash payments. Dining in restaurants is prohibited and the number of people in each private room shall not exceed 10.  
  4. Strengthened Health Services. The following health services will be implemented: Residents are advised to pay attention to their health status and have their body temperature checked every day. When symptoms such as fever and cough occur, residents are suggested to go to the nearby fever clinic in time and report to the institutions they work for and the village (residential) committee of their residential place. The medical institutions will make follow-up visits to the patients. Local medical institutions will keep monitoring the fever cases. Pharmacies will strengthen the sales registration and report of Chinese and Western medicine used for reducing fever. Selling antipyretics to people with a health code in yellow is prohibited.
  5.Enhanced Environmental Sanitation.The patriotic sanitation campaign is promoted to reduce places with poor sanitation. The disinfection of public places such as public restrooms, community venues, outdoor facilities, and garbage sites shall be strengthened.
  6. Better Publicity and Guidance to Maintain Social Stability. Keep a close eye on the concerns of the people and make timely explanation to calm them down and eliminate they worries and fears. Educate people not to make up, spread or believe rumors, so as to maintain social stability.
  7. Elimination of Closed-loop Management. If no new infections are reported within 14 days together with qualified environment cleaning and infection, street or township administration can apply for elimination of closed-loop. After assessment from district-level departments authorized by the district-level headquarters and approval by the Foshan COVID-19 Prevention and Control headquarters, closed-loop management can be eliminated.
  感染者が居住し、働く場所とその周辺地域を「完全閉鎖管理」エリアとする。当該エリアにおいてすべての人が、自宅から出ないように自宅隔離を実施し、「完全閉鎖管理」の措置を厳守する。 「別添1参照」
  感染予防・抑制措置を厳格に実施し、密集を控え、不要不急の密集イベントを中止する。大規模なイベントに対し、監督を厳格に実施する。祝日活動を簡素化し、会議活動はなるべくオンライン方式で開催する。原則として、大規模なパーティーや宴会などのイベントを開催しないこと。 カラオケ、映画館、ジム、屋内プール、バー、バスセンターなどの密閉空間施設は休業し、すべての学習塾施設「託児所を含む」はオフラインサービスを停止する。 屋内の公共施設では予約制、人数制限、体温測定、健康コード提出、マスクの着用などの措置が実施される。公共交通機関で健康コードの提出が必要。
  市全域では、新規感染者が発見された場合、直ちに「一」を参照して実行する。過去14日間、中・高リスク地域の滞在歴のある旅行者、そして本市市民、または感染者及びその濃厚接触者に密接したことがあると判明した人は、仏山市に到着後の2時間以内に「佛山通疫情防控」といったWeChatアプリンクで、関連情報を登録すること。尚且つ、自主的に会社「仕事場」及び居住地の村「住宅」委員会に報告すること。 コミュニティ「村」委員会によって、上記関係者の健康状況への観察を強化すること。
  1. 仏山市新型コロナ発生地域「完全閉鎖管理」措置
  2. 仏山市新型コロナ発生地域「閉鎖コントロール管理」措置
  3. 仏山市新型コロナ発生地域「クローズド・ループ管理」措置
  四、基本ニーズと保障を満たす。 自宅隔離者向けの管理と保障業務を遂行し、その合理的な要求に積極的に対応し、日常必要品は、所属の鎮「公的機関」から配送させる。水、電気、インターネット通信の安定を確保する。オンラインショッピングを推奨し、物流の専門管理、非接触デリバリーサービスを実施。 受験者、妊娠者、障害者、一人暮らしの高齢者などからの特殊な要求に重要視して対応する。
  五、感染症に係る生活ゴミの処理を慎重に。一般隔離者から出る廃棄物は「その他関連生活ゴミ」の分類で処分され、「当日ゴミ当日回収」規定を実施する。コミ回収前、有効塩素500mg/L〜1000mg/Lを含む消毒液または75%のアルコールで噴霧して消毒を行ってから、ゴミ袋を二重にして回収し、生活ゴミの分類で処理する。 一般の人の廃棄マスクは、生活ゴミの分類で処理する。
  七、健康状況の観察と保障を強化する。「一世帯一担当」制度が実施され、 村「住宅」委員会と所属地域の警察部門によって、観察と保障チームを結成する。「コミュニティ三人組」で、1日2回の体温検査と調子の聞き取りを行い、自宅隔離者の健康状況を観察する。発熱、咳、その他の症状が出た場合、速やかに指定病院に検査するように手配する。
  二、 管理措置を厳格に実施する。当該エリアの飲食店、大口市場「一般市場を除く」、カラオケ、映画館、ジム、屋内プール、バー、バスセンターなどの密閉空間施設は休業し、すべての学習塾施設「託児所を含む」がオフラインサービスを停止。 エリア内は風通しのよいスーパーを一定の数を残し、スーパーの従業員が閉鎖管理のエリアを離れてはならず、作業中はマスクの着用を要求。
  四、基本的な需要を保障する。 物流ネットワークを作り、物資の供給を確保し、エリア内のスーパー、市場から住民へのサービス提供を保障する。デリバリー、宅配便の臨時的な置き場を適切に設置し、専門の人が担当し、非接触デリバリーを実施。受験者、妊娠者、障害者、一人暮らしの高齢者などからの特殊な要求に重要視して対応する。
  七、健康状況の観察と保障を強化する。「一世帯一担当」制度が実施され、 村「住宅」委員会と所属地域の警察部門によって、観察と保障チームを結成する。「コミュニティ三人組」で、1日2回の体温検査と調子の聞き取りを行い、自宅隔離者の健康状況を観察する。発熱、咳、その他の症状が出た場合、速やかに指定病院に検査するように手配する。
  四、保健サービスを強化する。 「4つの1」といった保健サービスを実施する。体温を毎日測定し、発熱、咳、その他の症状が出た場合、速やかに近くの医療機関に診療を受け、同時に村「住宅」委員会に報告するように住民の自己健康検査を指導する。所属の医療部門が随時にフオロアップする。当該エリアの医療機関が、発熱症例の観察を強め、薬局が解熱の風邪薬の販売記録を報告し、「イエローコード」の人へ解熱薬の販売を禁止する。
  五、環境衛生を強化する。 「愛国衛生運動」を行い、隅々まで掃除し、公共トイレ、コミュニティ活動エリア、屋外活動施設、その他の公共施設やゴミ回収点の消毒を強化する。