New round of heavy rainfall expected in Guangdong from April 24
GDToday 2024-04-25 11:11

Guangdong province is gearing up to brace for a new round of intense rainfall starting from the evening of April 24, according to the provincial meteorological service.

From the evening of April 24 to 26, northern Guangdong, the Pearl River Delta, and eastern Guangdong are expected to witness heavy to torrential rain, accompanied by thunderstorms, gale-force winds, and hailstones and other severe convective weather.

Given the high soil moisture content resulting from persistent rain, authorities urge vigilance against the potential for urban flooding, flash floods, mudslides, landslides, and river floods. Residents are advised to take necessary precautions and stay vigilant for any updates on the weather conditions.

(Photo: Nanfang Plus)

Detailed forecast:

Between the night of April 24 and the daytime of April 25, northern Guangdong and the northern Pearl River Delta are anticipated to receive heavy to torrential rain, with other areas expecting moderate to heavy rain.

From the night of April 25 to April 26, eastern Guangdong and the eastern part of the Pearl River Delta are likely to experience heavy to torrential rain, with other regions seeing moderate to heavy rain.

On April 27, the province is expected to have a mix of cloudy and sunny weather, with moderate thunderstorms and localized heavy or torrential rain.

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