The Cultural Feast: International Museum Day to be celebrated across Guangdong
GDToday 2024-05-16 09:21

May 18 marks International Museum Day, with this year's theme being "Museums for Education and Research." Let's discover the wonders at the museums in Guangdong.


The Guangzhou Museum of Art will organize a series of activities to mark the International Museum Day on May 18. Highlighting the importance of museums for human education, it aims to showcase the comprehensive capabilities of Guangzhou museums and attract more people to participate in order to learn more about the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

On that day (May 18), a launching ceremony will be held from 10 am to 10:45 am, a themed lecture from 2 pm to 5 pm, and a great painting reading in the evening from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. The museum-themed town will open from 9:00 am to 5 pm.

Besides, the Guangdong Museum will hold a series of educational activities from May 18 to May 19, including a museum education achievement exhibition, an award ceremony for co-building schools, and round-table talk salons. Audiences will also be invited to visit the Guangdong Conservation Centre to learn about the restoration of cultural relics.


Shenzhen Museum will provide local residents with a cultural feast to celebrate the International Museum Day with a variety of thematic activities. The upcoming exhibitions will include The Past and Present of Giant Pandas (May 18 - October 31), Poem of Flora (May 18 - July 18), Seals Treasured by QiZhai (May 18 - permanent), and Royal Screen of Empire (May 18, the afternoon of May 19 registration-based).

Furthermore, a workshop for experiencing the new cleansing technology of cultural relics will open on May 18 (10 am - 12 pm, 2:30 pm - 4 pm). The Night of Shenzhen Museum activity will allow residents to visit from 7 pm to 9 pm and experience the ancient people's ultimate pursuit of life aesthetics.

The online library of museum collections will also be launched on May 18. Please refer to the official website ( by then.


The Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province, together with the People's Government of Zhongshan Municipality, will hold a key event called "5•18 International Museum Day" in Zhongshan.

This event will last for two days, from May 17 to May 18, and will feature a series of themed activities, including high-level exhibitions, public welfare events, study tours, ideological and political education classes, and cultural and creative product exhibitions.


Foshan Zumiao Museum will kick off the celebration activities on May 17. Centering around the theme "Museums for Education and Research," it will organize "4+2" events, including one launching ceremony, one identification of cultural relics for public welfare, one cultural exhibition, one lecture by famous masters, and two themed exhibitions.

To fully engage local residents, the Museum will also offer a 50 percent ticket discount (10 yuan per person) from May 17 to May 19.

Rich cultural activities will not only allow residents to deepen their knowledge about the characteristics and value of traditional culture but also give full play to the social education and cultural research functions of museums.

As the International Museum Day is around the corner, you can now plan ahead and choose your favorite events to attend. In the meantime, please also pay close attention to the latest notices from various museums in the province and register or make an appointment in advance if necessary.

Photo | Official websites and WeChat accounts of the above-mentioned museums

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